Finding Home

Finding Home
Trapped in a small town with nothing left but an abusive dad, Savannah is just barely making it. Her whole world is is flipped upside down by a new family that comes to town. With one surprise after another Savannah is changed forever.
*This Book is a work in progress*

Finished just haven't finished updating.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Ok guys, I can't make any promises yet but I am going to try my best to have Finding Home updated by tomorrow morning :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Sorry everyone for taking so long with Finding Home I got busy with school and then I went home, so it's been crazy but good news I wrote another story! It's not done yet but I'm pretty happy with it so far. Anyway I will be updating that book before Finding Home because the notebooks that I originally wrote it in are in a storage unit :( But PLEASE don't give up on it, in the mean time to keep you busy I will upload my other... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

You should write more... like now...

It was so good, I felt as though I was in the story!

Wichtiger Beitrag

What a great piece of work. I truly enjoyed reading it. Thanks a lot for writing this story.

LaJune Marie

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