John 'Jock' Law Hume

User: alice.a
John 'Jock' Law Hume
After receiving much recognition on other ships, John Law Humes, or Jock, was given opportunity to play violin on most advanced ship of 1912. The ship with the most up-to-date technology, the unsinkable. The Titanic. After leaving his fiánce, Mary, on the dock, Jock embarks on the short journey that leads him to act of bravery that risks his life.

titanic, john hume
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Yes, your story captured the "flavor" of the era so well. It was poignant, too, especially in view of the historicity of the band. You managed quite well to put a VERY personal note on Georges and Clara, capturing the tragedy perfectly. Well done. Congratulations on placing:) Well-deserved!

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Wichtiger Beitrag

You catch the tone of the time, and appear the Titanic as well- though I wouldn't know!
Your images are catching. I enjoyed the read.

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