Sawney Bean

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Givatayim, Israel

I seriously doubt if any respectable member of the Bar will take on Trump as a
client, so it would be worthwhile for Trump to consider someone from the
entertainment industry who might, by chance, also have a law degree. I mean we
got a president from the entertainment world, why not a lead attorney? The
White House has a great reality show going right now and they're syphoning
hundreds of millions of dollars into... mehr anzeigen

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OMG! nice one. Now, I won't trust my neighbors coz of the last line u wrote,lol

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This has been written as a modern feel, for a long ago story, of Cannibals in scotland.
Top marks to the author.

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This has been written as a modern feel, for a long ago story, of Cannibals in scotland.
Top marks to the author.

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This is a good tale, a modern take on a life that was once lived in Scotland by a family called Sawney Bean.
Top marks to the author.

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