Online Stalking and Online Activities
An evaluation of risks and their perception Von: Alessia MalachitiAs the world evolves, new crimes arise, and it is necessary to understand the perception of individuals which may be exposed to new risks in order to evaluate the implementation of new preventive strategies. Because of the spread of the internet, cyber crimes increase, for this reason their assessment is fundamental. The aim of this study was to test the overall awareness in relation to cyberstalking and its dynamics, as well as its aftermaths. In order to evaluate the perception of risks, this research has been extended to online behaviours trends. To obtain data it has been developed a questionnaire that has been proposed to internet users. The literature review made in regard to cyberstalking provided interesting starting points to assess this crime, and it was also essential to extrapolate answers to present to respondents in order to test their knowledge about this offence.
This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee Board of the University of Essex (England)
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