Xiulan and Typhoon Feng

User: wildgoose
Xiulan and Typhoon Feng

This is the fifth book in a series set in modern day Hong Kong .

A young woman, Xiulan Ling, against the backdrop of the forces of nature, finds herself at the heart of cyber and cultural warfare.

Why is this original manuscript so important to China and the Warriors of Dao?

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1,49 €
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Don't waste your time, there's 1/2 page to read about a weather forcast

3 Kommentare

weather is something we all experience. In a story it can be used merely as description or to create an atmosphere or suggest mystery , or impending threat.
"Here the wind was whipping through the pines and the wires to a telephone pole were making an eerie, high pitched whine,... mehr anzeigen

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