The Amorous Jacket

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User: wildgoose
The Amorous Jacket
"Each day as he delivered a subpoena, or a will, the jacket grabbed him as he sought the stairs.
At last after a week he asked, to the whole front office,
“Whose is the black jacket in the hall?
There was a stunned silence,
“The one at the end? Asked Maria.
“Yes,” said Hugo.
More silence.
Then Estella, a small mousy girl nearest the radiator, spoke up.
“The one with the Velcro?
“Yes, “said Hugo.
“That’s Noor’s.”
“Is she here?
Again the silence.
“She’s off work at the moment,” said Maria.
Hugo went out but as he turned to go up the stairs the Velcro caught him again.
“Noor? He asked Enrique, the senior partner, at coffee time.
“Very sad ,” he said enigmatically.
“Beautiful girl though,” said Enrique. “Such hair, rich, glossy, and those lips.”
Enrique was always ecstatic about women.
“But what happened to her? Did she leave or what? Why is her jacket still hanging in the hall?
“She,...she is still technically employed by us.”
“What do you mean, maternity leave?
“No,” said Enrique, “She is in hiding.”

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1,49 €
love, forced marriage, mystery
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