A Pharaoh's Daughter

plus the Tale of the Golden Fish Von:
User: wildgoose
A Pharaoh's      Daughter

"She rubbed her arms – goose pimples. She stroked her long hair, fingering the ringlets and stared at her sandals; a slight girl, slender brown in a fine white garment that reached her ankles. Gold rings on her fingers and a bracelet of elephant hair. Around her neck a broad necklace of lapsis lazuli.
What had she done? How had she offended the Pharoah? His was absolute power. This was his, the land of Egypt, the crops, the labourers, the priests and scribes, the royal wives and the royal concubines"


Plus the story of The Golden Fish, a story from India of magic and the soul out of the body. Retold from the Golden Bough.

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