Heartless Defender, Hardened Innocent

Heartless Defender, Hardened Innocent
Andreos has alway had things handed to him, whether it was money or women. He just couldn't lose. Suddenly, a new woman comes to town and he sets his sights on her. Little does he know what a little hellcat she can be under the cool exterior. She won't be going so dociley with him. She will fight him every step of the way.

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Nicely written. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait till you finish the whole book :D and when you do I'm gonna be so sad that it's over.

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Gelöschter User

Amazing...and awesome...I love this....PLEASE keep it up

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Gelöschter User

I love what you have so far! Please write more soon. I want to know what happens. Please message me when you update.

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