Never Meant To Be

Never Meant To Be
Nevaeh Jones finds herself moving yet again after making a close get-away from the only men out to kill her. D.J. Johnson and Aaron Crocker. They had ruined everything for her. They killed her daughter, her father, and her soon-to-be husband. Nevaeh thought she had nothing else to live for. . . until she met Sean.

Sean was at the top of his game. Top football player and most popular. That is, until the new girl came along. She was perfect in every way possible. Best of all, she was now his. But little does he know that he was now the one protecting her from her past and now a new treat.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "super-natural visitors"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Never Meant To Be
sex, killing
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

sorry i keep meaning to put more in the book. i will do it tomorrow. you wont be disappointed at what you read!

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