Z.I.M.S (Zombies in my school)

They're coming and thier hungry! Von:
Z.I.M.S (Zombies in my school)
Ada is a typical 12 year old girl she goes to middle school has two awsome bff's but then someone releases a zombie and pretty soon everyone is a zombie! not only that but she can't find her family! can Ada survive the zombie eclipse and save all her friends? maybe not but then she has a chance at saving everyone when the guy who created the zombie gives her an antibiotic before killing himself will she give it to her family or the city?-- There is a sequel to this! It's going to be about the powers Ada has ;) I already finished the book I just have to upload it!

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WOW REALLY THANKS? It's my first complete story so thanks a lot! So if the plot is confusing I'm sorry~

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