My Poetry-A Divine Introspection

Poetry Von:
My Poetry-A Divine Introspection
Hi, this is a mirror of my mind. These are not just words but life as I see it. It surely is a feeble attempt to portray the human mind. I dedicate this to my Family & friends.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
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I love good poetry, and I loved this. Only one comment, I think the title might not draw in readers. You might want to consider changing it.

3 Kommentare
Abhay Gangadhar Peshave

thanks, will consider that.


The last poem is absolutely beautiful. The first two have a lot of spelling and formatting errors you should fix before publishing it. Otherwise, this has great promise.

Ken is right though - that title has to go. It sounds like false humility, even if it isn't, and doesn't... mehr anzeigen

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