User: slyarrow
This is a sample of the new book I'm writing. This book is about Donny White, the leader of a gang in New York City who fights other gangs and tries to own the city of New York.

UNTRACE-ABLE, untrace, able, chapter, 1, sample
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks neueschreiberin. Well you see unlike in the states the countryi am in doesnt have any libraries(around me as far as i know)

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Adam Lewis LaValley

You've got some grammar and punctuation errors, but those can be easily corrected.

I have to say, for this being your second start on a novel, it's a pretty good start. I recall only reading one novel on gangs (for English class back in 8th grade).

Anyway, I started witing my first novel 3 years ago when I was 13, and I'm alreay on my third. It's a hard thing to do, but all you can do to get better is to keep on writing. Good... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

"Very well written" might be a sort of an exaggeration(I'm an amateur and this is the second book I started writing). Actually I already finished half of Chapter 2, but i don't want to post the books a chapter at a time 'cause a chapter is not long.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for your opinion and even though it's a bit good(to be a good writer u need to be a good reader, which i am) the only problem is that i'm an amateur.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is on a subject I normally wouldn't read; I tend to go for the medieval, fantastical, the mythical. But I did find this interesting. At this point in the story, there isn't really much to go on besides the fact that there is some gang violence going on, so I think you should continue. You did a good job describing a lot of this, but look out for using the same start to every sentence. At one point, almost all the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Normally, this wouldn't be the style of writing I enjoy(With the guns, and thugs and all{I'm rather a girly, gal}) But I loved it! It was very entertaining, and had me hooked from page 1. :) Keep me posted please when you update it. :D

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