Path of Rage

User: howler452
Path of Rage
Jonathan Nighthawk. A demon of Hell once, but not anymore. Of his own free will, he chose to cut all his ties and connections to Hell so he could live a human life. He reached the human world, eventually coming across a beautiful woman named Helen. Soon enough, she learned the truth about Jonathan even though he took on the form of a human. But because she had fallen in love with him, and him with her, they refused to let his demon side get in the way. They married, eventually having a daughter, whom they name Adriana. Adriana became the first of her kind, half-human, half-demon. However, Death, also known as the Grim Reaper, discovered this and betrayed them. He informed a demon down in Hell named Marakesh, who was a rival of Jonathan's, of the events that had taken place. In rage and jealousy, Marakesh, Death and multiple other demons arrived the human world and captured Helen and Adriana, taking them both down to Hell, and sealed Jonathan's power once he became imprisoned. Fifteen years later, Jonathan was awoken by a young girls voice calling out to him "Father!" This restored his resolve, causing him to break free of his prison. Now, Jonathan travels all 9 Circles of Hell to rescue Helen and Adriana, while also seeking revenge against the demons who betrayed him, killing any others that get in his way. Limbo...Lust...Gluttony...Greed...Anger...Heresy...Violence...Fraud...and Treachery... He must cross them all, but not without the truth revealed.

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 6 Jahren

san francisco, ca

When you go to your local bank to borrow $ you investigate who owns
that bank? Most people have NO IDEA who might be the investor behind the
investor behind the bank. They know the local branch and loan officer. Why do
you place a higher standard on Trump? He went to Deutsche Bank, which is a
legitimate bank.

I had a mortgage for 30 years, and it was SOLD from the 2nd year onward -- to
bank after bank --... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 5 Jahren

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howler452 vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

Thanks. I haven't written anything new yet, sadly. I will try to get more during the Christmas Holidays, but mine start late.

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