The Best Of Me

User: lovebug
The Best Of Me
Kamila falls in love with Daniel. Daniel is a football player whom seems to be playing a little more than football. One night after drinking Daniel comes home, he then beats Kamila into a coma. Kamila doesn't remember anything. Daniel at this point is ignoring her. What Kamila discovers next is heartbreaking. She then changes her whole life.

drugs, money, abuse, friends, love, lies, drama, sex, party
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San Jose, CA

“Land use is so fundamental to everything”

We have to fit several billion more people somewhere on this planet over the
next few decades. California's population is estimated to grow by between 10
and 20 million over the next 30 years. Our species must cram together in
cities made up of huge apartment blocks, as in China, to avoid converting
productive farmland to housing at a time when more and more food is... mehr anzeigen

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