Boss Complex

User: layo93
Boss Complex
Lori Vaughn has been in love with her boss for years. Shes had fantasy about him and never in her wildest dreams thought he could want her back....okay, so maybe she had thought about once or twice, but could you blame a girl?! The man was pure, unadulterated sex on a stick, not to mention he had a great heart and ran his own company! World's Most Eligible Bachelor, anyone?

But Lori has more than just her infatuation to deal with; her little sister is on a downward spirl with no return, her brother's best friend is back from-God-knows-where and now someone has just ransacked her house looking for about issues.

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Hey im more that 18 years old but still unable to open the book

1 Kommentar

u got to make sure ur age is in the system n take off the parent block in account details

Wichtiger Beitrag

hey can any one help me am 20 years old and am sure about it !but can t read this book !!!

1 Kommentar

u got to make sure ur age is in the system n take off the parent block in account details

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