The Protectors

Book One; The beginning Von:
User: maelien
The Protectors
This book is still a work in progress. It's about a Vampire Princess who's never been outside of the small town, Tyranea, the Immortal Capitol of the world. She decides to run away to the Bermuda Isle to live with her cousin and his friends, and they get into trouble along the way. Just as Mae is settling in a murder on campus happens and everyone thinks Mae will be the next victim. Will the gang be able to figure it out before Mae's time runs out and everyone is doomed?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Protectors"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Protectors
Book One; The beginning
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

to me this bok nice t read people who think that fairys are feal should read this book

Wichtiger Beitrag

to me this bok nice t read people who think that fairys are feal should read this book

1 Kommentar

thanks :-)

Wichtiger Beitrag

to me this bok nice t read people who think that fairys are feal should read this book

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