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If you want to know what kind of poet I am, read my melacholic poems in part 2 of this book, I'm happy to receive feedback....
Write a book with poems, when your heart is heavy!

With sincere regards


Melancholy of a Beat Poet/ Melancholie eines Beat Poeten von James Apollon White - eBook Download - Buch kaufen     Symbolic individualism is a novelty, because it can unite the idea of a poet with the egalitarian subjectivism of our time and the subject in the technocratic world! Do you feel the formalism, it destroys and transforms the subject into a person who thinks and then acts, because the medium is the message (technocracy)     Der symbolische Individualismus ist eine Neuheit, weil er die Idee eines Dichters mit dem egalitären Subjektivismus unserer Zeit und dem Subjekt in der technokratischen Welt verbinden kann! Spüren Sie den Formalismus, der das Thema zerstört und in eine Person verwandelt, die denkt und dann handelt, weil das Medium die Botschaft ist (Technokratie)?
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Why hello Brook! You've come for ice cubes? You know you can always depend on your neighbor Hannah for ice cubes and whatever else you need:)

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Joseph, John, Lacey.

Hi, again you ask on your profile for recommended reading. Any of my book I would suggest. The love life of JJ Lacey is long and full of sex and is 189254 Words long. Reading the first four chapters will give you a taste of young sex. Chapter 6 will give you incest. Not sure what your sexual taste is, but now you are a friend you can explore mine, happy reading JJ Lacey

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Joseph, John, Lacey.

Hi just read half of your book. Liked the way you just jumped into it, with no pussy-footing about your telling it how it is. I thought it might actually be a true account of a true subway encounter. I like to write as if I'm recalling a memory, keep up the good work though I would suggest shorter separated Sentences and paragraphs would make it better reading! Just my thought, Have a nice day JJ

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Thanks Joseph, there is an Australian in my book.

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J.M. Stephens

Hi Mayumi. I rewrote Rebecca using your advice. if you ever get a chance to look, i'd be interested in your opinion

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Yes that's a great ending! I also liked the line thoughts of eternal..........was great.

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J.M. Stephens

I've read most Stephen King books but usually I just pick up a book and start reading. I know in the 1st 15 or 20 pages if I want to continue. What books have you read?

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I like jack keroaque "on the road," Tim Winton, "Breath" are probably 2 that come to mind at the moment. also Ayn rand and the classic which reminds me of your writing John fowles The Magus , a masterpiece.
are you sure you are not john fowles in disguise?

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J.M. Stephens

Hi. You read darkness of light? I added the last chapter because after I edited out the mistakes I re-read it and the sad ending really depressed me, so I wrote a happy ending. Do you think that's weird?

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J.M. Stephens

Hi Brook. (is your name Brook or Mayumi?) I just wrote a short story if you are interested in giving me some feedback. The rise and fall of Sister Rebecca. Thanks. i hope your day is going well

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J.M. Stephens

wow, thanks for the comments, Mayumi. you answered perfectly what was good and bad points.i originally had in my mind that it would be a longer story, describing her feelings and emotions as she struggled with her beliefs and desires. i had an hour to spare this morning so i... mehr anzeigen

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