#smilelikemendes ist offline.


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green+horse= ouch
mater+me= bf and gf

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except i dont think my boyfriend has the same idea...
he sees me as a walking kleenex lol

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dont touch my horse.

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There is this AMAZING singer/ songwriter on YouTube that just completely amazes me and touches me with all of her music. Her name is Eva Perkins. Her last song that she posted, "2 A.M" made me cry. It is beautiful. Here is the link to her channel.

Please go and check her out! Give her lotsa love. :-)

Thank you so much.

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Candy Lover

This is my BFF if you even lay a finger on her I will beat the crap out of you with your own shoes.... No kidding ask Fish (Jason) She is the best friend ever!!!!! She is always there when I need her, she is ok with me liking her cuz.... Which is wierd.... But not the point. She is the best person in the world..... She is my sholder to cry on, she is my person that acctually listens, she is the light when I am in the dark,... mehr anzeigen

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You just realized that rach


:) Hehe

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