Lorena malor
Lorena malor
Lorena malor ist offline.
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Well, well, well! It appears you are a reader of varying tastes. I'm please that "My Sister-in-law, Beth" found itself included in your favorites. I will welcome any words of praise or possible lament. Thanks for the gold star.

3 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

Likewise for 'A Neighborly Bet' and 'The Book'. T'wood appear I have a fan in you. Thank you once again.

Lorena malor

You are good author I love your book your writing is amazing big fan and thank you

Gelöschter User

Watch for 'Dear Diary' then, it will be finished today. You'll like it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for adding my book to your favorites. I'm still writing right now so expect an update. I will write until chapter five or so. :)

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Thanks for adding "House of Broken Hearts" to your Favorites - I look forward to your comments! ')

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Gelöschter User

Thank you for adding The Runaway Bride and The Queen of Rogues to your favorites! :)

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Gelöschter User

Thank you for adding Be Yourself to your favorites! :)

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