нαρρу ηєνєя αƒтєя s Freunde



  • Englisch

I am what i am.. I love to laugh, i love to do new things, i love to learn and love to live..If you one became my friend you will remain one, maybe distant, maybe close, but you will.. :)I never mean harm to anyone or anything unless you or it ask for it.. So i may bite.. :D Be cautious.. :D  



  • Englisch

Hello people, I'm new in this comunity...



  • 28 Jahre
  • Englisch
David Isaac

David Isaac

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch

David-Isaac A. is an author and public speaker; a teacher. He describes himself as a global asset. He enjoys Hebrew meditation of scriptures, writing informative and provocative content about Christian life, human experience, and society. He is passionate about global development with a mandate to repair and... mehr lesen

That One Salty Pretzel

That One Salty Pretzel

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch

Hello random people on my account!  I am kinda anti social so I suck at this stuff. Umm If you are still reading this I might as well introduce myself. My name is Abby, I LOVE Yuri!!! On Ice and Tokyo Ghoul, and I am can be quite a nerd from time to time so be warned. 

Haley Jade

Haley Jade

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 3

Welcome my dudes. If you need anything ask. I'm pretty chill when you don't piss me off

Drama llama

Drama llama

  • Englisch

solipsism ˈ        //sɒlɪpsɪz(ə)m                noun ~ The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.   ~ The quality of being self-centred or selfish. .............................................................   I'm bleeding, Quietly... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

SAMMY (10.01.2017)    The only guy who would steal your burger then push you off the ledge      

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