Creepyandweirds Freunde

Rizonne Alexander

Rizonne Alexander

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 6

Books and reading is one of my ultimate passions, i enjoy fantasy stories that mostly include werewolfs ever since seeing Taylor Lautner transform into that oh so hot wolf, i was hooked! I am an immature writer, all critics are more than welcome :) 



  • Englisch

Pray for me.         

Young Pie

Young Pie

  • 18 Jahre
  • Englisch

I have a good time with music 

Karen Shiner

Karen Shiner

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch

Young aspring writer. It would mean a lot if you checked out my new short book so that I can make it longer. Currently available the first draf of the book. I'll add more soon. 



  • 23 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 1

17 years Female Brown hair and brown eyes. Short height. Go to university and am a writer on webnovel account Vamp_Empress

Deu' Angel

Deu' Angel

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 5

I'm a Writer, Poet and Geologist; Pen name DEU' Angel.



  • Englisch

I’m an 18 year old author who writes books for a living. Please check them out. I’m open to new story suggestions. I’m an animal lover and I’m interested in art and photography and music. 



  • Englisch

i a person who loves to writes! i recently finished writing 3 of  books, i like to write from deep within my heart. presently, i am working on my forth book that i will finish soon. it is good to be a member of this wonderful site, and i hope we can work together, wherein no one will have nothing to loose. i am... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Why i'm on here? Hm idk



  • Englisch

I don't care if anyone does not like me.i was not born in this world to entertain    MY NAME IS RAHEEL MY FACEBOOK ID is  I Love myself the world has a need to me i m unique i can and i will do things to promote  headling in my life my problem has a sloution i will work on a plan i belive i... mehr lesen

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