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He kidnap's me and tells me he's going to kill me. "Please have mercy on me! Oh, please have mercy!" He walks up to me and grabs my chin "Did anyone show me mercy?!" He lets go of my chin and grabs a stake. "Mercy" I whisper before he stakes me. I groan and start to disintegrate.


Agh! It's told by a vampires perspective. It's a vampires life.


ooh so its like a death chapter for vampires


You can call it that, yea

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So this is the last post for my new name. None can be added just pick the ones you like the most. (can be multiple)

4 Kommentare

Vengeance Angel
Secret Me
Passions Bride (1)
On My Own
Beware Of Me
Midnight Raven
Bad Bitch (1)
Art3mis (1)

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Passions Bride


Bad Bitch


Art3mis (Yes I'm counting myself suck it)

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Don't go.
Don't leave
me like everyone else....
I need you.
Please stay.

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not going leave u


Well thats good

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A girl wanted a ring. But the boy gave her a teddy bear instead. In anger, the girl threw it on the road. The boy went to go get it and got hit by a incoming car and died. At the boys funeral, the girl hugged the bear and it said "Will you marry me?" She looked inside and found a ring.

2 Kommentare

yup more on the way

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If you have any recommendations for movies and shows do tell me IM BOREDDDDD

luckely i do have one watch the conjoring 1-2 and veronica on netflix

2 Kommentare

I'll def look at them!


Sorry late reply

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With all my heart
all I wish is
To touch you
Kiss you
Hold you
Caress you
Smell you
Taste you
Feel you
Love you
But all I can do
Is sit here chained
To your memory
And dream...….

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Repost if you've ever...
• Self-harmed
• Skipped a meal
• Looked at yourself in the mirror and said:" Fuck! I hate myself!"
• Felt like just breaking down
• Told anyone to not do any of the above but done it yourself

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