frufrubullcrap666s Freunde




  • Deutsch

Ich lese! VIEEELL! Ich liebe es zu lesen.Aktuell lese ich: Ich, Adrian Mayfield  von Floortje ZwigtmanIch liebe Musik!Ich stehe total auf Ian S., Channing T., Leo DiC., Macklemore und Johnny D. :DIch bin verrückt, mache jeden scheiß mit meinen Freunden und lache am Tag mehr als ich spreche ;)hmm, wenn mir mehr... mehr lesen

Alikzandria James

Alikzandria James

  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 40

I am an author and freelance writer. I love to read because you can step out of the pool of reality and dive into a sea of wonder, fantasy, and adventure. I believe that an author has done their job if you can actually feel and sense that you are part of the world between the pages! I also LOVE to cook, spend... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 45

26. F. Love to read. 



  • Englisch

I'm just a girl who's trying to find where she fits in. I hate people telling me who to be and how to act. yea I have my tongue pierced and Yes i'm Emo but guess what I don't care what you think because I wasn't created to please you. if you hate me then take a seat with all the other people waiting for me to give a fuck



  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 113

Check out my other sites where you can get updates on my writing quicker.To read the books as I post them chapter by chapter, go to my fictionpress site; And go 'like' me on facebook. Updates are always the most current there:



  • 78

True, we love life not because we are living, but because we are used to loving



Takirikara Miyabi

  • Deutsch

Ich liebe es die kontrolle über Menschen zu haben, auch wenn sie es selbst garnicht wissen.



  • 29 Jahre
  • Deutsch
  • 1 Buch
  • 29


Stephanie Jane

  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 599

| S t e l l a    E v a n s |  Just a girl who loves to live, laugh, & love. ♡ An avid reader | Aspiring writer | Dedicated performer | & Hopelesss romantic at heart. ♡ Feel free to message me! I love meeting new people. ♡ And thank you for stopping by, dears! It means a lot to me. ♡ XOXO, -S. J. Evans♡

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