Anonymous Book lovers Freunde



  • Englisch

I love reading books. I am a big bookbug. Don't hesitate to message me.

Nina Kari

Nina Kari

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 5897

Kumusta,Okay, so I never really know what to put on these things. So...let me 'say' I love to read. It is ridiculous how much I love reading. My favorites would have to be The Alpha and Omega series and The Vampire Academy books. But I will read anything in any genre.I also love writing. It's sort of my escape I... mehr lesen

a l e y a

a l e y a

  • Englisch

Hi! I'm aleya and i have a strong passion for English literature and writing. My goal is to become an author if i graduate from university. I enjoy creating characters and bringing them to life through the stories i write. I also love finding inspiration in the pictures i take - as i am a budding... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

This is cat ♥♥♥♥ Wanna chill xD i love to sing dance and cook Thus is someoneslove accout btw :) 

Arianna Waters

Arianna Waters

  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 19


  • Deutsch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 3280

Hi also ich bin forever 30, und schreibe seitdem ich einen Stift halten kann... Wer mehr wissen will kann mir einfach schreiben ;)Ach ja! Hier meine Amazonautorenseite! Dort gibt´s auch einige Bücher von mir!



  • 26 Jahre
  • Englisch
Lance Ashford

Lance Ashford

  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch

I am caring, friendly and down to earth. I love reading as it captures my imagination and let's me enter my own world. Feel free to chat to me about anything.



  • Englisch
  • 18 Bücher
  • 616

What to tell? Well, obviously, I love writing. I tend to write more fanfiction than original works, but I do have some original books as well. I love anime, and the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, Harry Potter, Twilight (books usually rather than movies tho sometimes I'm in the mood for the movies as... mehr lesen

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