PJ51s Freunde

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  • Englisch

Hello, so because of the way things are going on the internet I feel it is safer to not tell you my name, age, where I live etc. I can tell you that I am a Christian and because of that I do not cuss. I like to read people's ideas because it is interesting to see what their mind can conjure up. Thank you for... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 8

Disclosure for future and current friends: If you do not know my real name then you don't need to know it. Where I live is none of your concern, but if you must know I live in America. Where I go to school does not matter. Who my parents are does not matter. How I figured out this pen name does not matter. What... mehr lesen



  • Englisch
  • 17 Bücher
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