rashas Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 27


  • 21 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 42

Anime is my life, so yeah....  



  • Englisch

I like to try to happy other and help too, AS my type. I loved My FRiEnD and paREnts. Who my Friends I helping of Them, When need Help,,,,,, TIME is Our. only for Cautch it.

Missing Her

Missing Her

  • Englisch

Hey im edward decided to move on with my life away from Justice started with a new girl her user is Dauntless and she is my new love i wanna make it right with her and i want her to feel speacil so you have any suggestions on ever helping me and her when things get rough let me know because i want her to know how... mehr lesen



  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
Kueen of Mean

Kueen of Mean

  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 6

I don't give a fuck about my life, I LOVE My Chemical Romance!!! I'm that Gothic kid next door. MCR FOR LIFE!!! EMO AND GOTH ARE NOT THE SAME BLOODY THING!!!



  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 25

I am Australian. I love animals- I am Vegetarian- and I am shy in person, aka I am an introvert, I'm fine with is but it gets annoying when it gets to the point where I can't order at a cafe/restaurant or cry whenever I have to talk in front of a group of people- as you can imagine, I didn't do too well in public... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Hmmm where to start....... I'm a PROUD Triidadian I'm a girl if u have'nt noticed  I'm a simple bt cool person once u get to knw me. I LOVE all my frndzz and ppl who care 4 me and I'm very grateful 4 dem Fav colour:BLUE   Feel free to message me or take a pass pon my wall jus to say Hii   Soo.... I'm guessing u... mehr lesen



  • 23 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 4

I have a short temper I love anyone exept sertain people and I am loveable if you want to take the chance. And i'm Transgender  and I'm proud of it!

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