sammys Freunde
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 54
Bro you mad?* HEY HEY IS UR Chula JESS XD LOVE YOU GUYS... Let play a game is call "you tell me" : ( = YOU HATE ME :( = If I make You sad $$$ = If you think I'm Rich $!&*= If I'm Full of it Shi*... : / = Not sure to like me or not !!!!!!= I'm fun to be around X.X = You want to Challenge me T.T = You miss me! Go on... mehr lesen
Jay Babee
- Englisch
- 6 Bücher
- 329
I like the rain. I like cold coffee. And I like making boys cry.
- Englisch
I'm Jordan. I love football (soccer) and l play video games on my xbox one, nintendo switch and 3ds. I watch horror movies. I listen to pop and dance music. Feel free to chat to me whenever I'm online. I won't ever judge you. We can be friends.
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 12
I'm a huge fan of books! Seriously, I can read any peice of literature and fall in love with it. Even if it's about politics! Which is actually an interesting subject. I do have one pet peeve though... and that is grammer (and spelling). Now just a quick heads up to all of you people out there, I'm very... mehr lesen
- 37 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 1 Buch
- 12
Wer bin ich? Wie bin ich? Das muss man herausfinden. Bin ab und an frech ab und zu zurückhaltend. Aber immer echt. Nette Damen mit der Leidenschaft für Erotische Literatur sind gern gesehen. Gerne auch für Gedankeaustausch 18+
- 40 Jahre
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 2
I love reading books especially about the supernaturals. weird as it is other book genre i love are also my textbooks.I was a writer back when i was studying but to our school newspaper. After that i ventured poetry and was assigned doing literary work through college.Sad but i was not able to pursue writing... mehr lesen
Primrose Burrell
- Englisch
- 22
I'm unusal, I'm not perfect, I'm not rich, I'm not a bitch but who I am is me. There is no one else like me I'm the only one of my mind. I am special I am unique I am an original and I dont need anyone telling me other wise. But I am really crazy tho I will not change who I am to please you but to please... mehr lesen
KiKi XoXo
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 843
Hello! My name is Kaylyn Kahle . . . where I get the KiKi part from. . . I love to write and read. I prefer supernatural love stories (Examples: Twilight and the Hex Hall series), although I do also like reading books about utopias and dystopias (Examples: The Hunger Games and Divergent). I was going to... mehr lesen