vampire02s Freunde

Ethan Nickleson

Ethan Nickleson

  • Englisch

i am a awesome guy who loves reading and also hates bullys



  • 26 Jahre
  • Deutsch
  • 1

draufgängerisch und rebellisch :D naja Stolz drauf bin auch ♥ ☻ ☺ ♥♥




  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 43

Just a book nerd searching for other book nerds' creations. 



Nyamal Makuac

  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch
Jake & Kate Persy

Jake & Kate Persy

  • Englisch

Our names are Jake and Kate Persy and we’re young, self-publishing writers. We’re a happy couple and our motto is ‘The best moment to be happy is right now’. We have a healthy, active lifestyle.We love having fun and that’s why we’ve written Codename: Chimera. It’s been an exciting experience. We wanted to write... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

I'm GraphicWriter101 to you, Brad to my friends and family. Yes I have a boys name but it has a meaning I was named after the M2 Bradley (an army tank). No, neither of my parents were in the army, they however did have dreams but they had me young (younger than planed). There's really nothing special about me... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 3 Bücher
  • 2938

I enjoy reading adult fiction, horror, and romance. I'm not big on surprises, but I loved twists and turns in stories. I enjoy writing my own stories, in first or third person.

A bit about myself: My hobbies are drawing and writing but I love Biology and helping people. <3 Studying to be a doctor. I love music... mehr lesen

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