usmcgunnys Favoriten
A Short Story
- Liebe
- Englisch
- 8053 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 721
- 13
A vacationing couple take a GPS suggested shortcut through the mountains on an old, abandoned road, foreshadowing a tragic accident awaiting them, its consequences and an unexpected result.
A Short Story
Stichwörter: Short Stories, Romance, Short Reads, Suspense, Love, Drama, death, marriage, accident, fiction, mountains, short story, ghost, spirit
- Lyrik und Poesie
- Englisch
- 797 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 421
- 4
Many people search a life time in hopes of finding their soul mate. However, if they do find him or her,they soon realize that all good things must come to an end.
Stichwörter: Marriage, Love, family
Bittersweet poems and stories
- Familie und Partnerschaft
- Englisch
- 6891 Wörter
- Ab 10 Jahren
- 753
- 20
Life isn't sweet, but it doesn't have to be completely bitter. It is what we make of it and these poems and stories try to portray just that.That is why I have titled this book Dulces de Coco or Coconut Candies. This is a combination of the stories and poems that I have... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: family, culture, candy, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, death, life
an L train experience
- Lyrik und Poesie
- Englisch
- 278 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 518
- 8
Taking the subway is an adventure. The stops are predictable and mapped but the people who might come and go are not. The riders help form the pulse of what makes the city move. They are all cells riding through the veins of an elaborate system.
Stichwörter: train, tunnels, city, poetry
- Familie und Partnerschaft
- Englisch
- 2505 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 742
- 26
My entry for the Young Writer of the year contest. “Hey Boss, have you heard from Chino lately?” I had asked the last time that I was called in.
Boss looked up at me from his seat. It didn’t matter if he was sitting or standing, being near Boss made my stomach clench. If... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: disapearance, friends, life, death, brooklyn
Ode to the Blind Date
- Kurzgeschichte
- Englisch
- 410 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 850
- 23
"He straightens his hat, then places his whiskey on the piano."
A comedic short poem/story inspired by fictional characters and first dates.
Stichwörter: first date, short story, humor, poem
- Drama
- Englisch
- 1530 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 559
- 13
It was a dream come true; a beautiful woman had chosen him over everyone else. But the line between dreams and nightmares is a fine one. . .
Stichwörter: Fiction, Goddess, Death, romance, sexual situation, Short Story
- Liebe
- Englisch
- 2346 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 781
- 10
Winner of the 2015 Official Member Writing Contest (OMWC)
An administrator to the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad is sent on a mission to establish the arts and sciences in a small city sitting on the banks of the Tigris in 1,000 A.D. He enters a Kaveh Kanes incognito one... mehr lesen
The WereWolF Chronicles book:THREE
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 13197 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 965
- 14
Cover by Yezall Strongheart
After triumphantly defeating the mad sorcerer Harmony Chosen Ones Candlelite and Absinthe humbly accept the thrones, allowing themselves to be crowned High King and Queen of AnEerth. Settling into the boredom of handling domestic... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Fantasy, Love, Hate, War, Peace, Physics, Wormholes, Sorcery, Prophecy, Werewolves, Mercenaries, Vampires, Immortality, Kings, Revenge, Assassins
The WereWolF Chronicles book:TWO
- Fantasy
- Englisch
- 78656 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 1669
- 22
(Complete Work- ongoing editing project)
After enjoying a prolonged and comfortable intermission Candlelite, Absinthe, and their stalwart companions are forced to flee the Midnight Monastery. Embarking on their desperate journey to defeat the diabolically mad sorcerer... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Love, Hate, War, Peace, Physics, Wormholes, Sorcery, Prophecy, Werewolves, Mercenaries, Vampires, Immortality, Kings, Revenge, Assassins