George Stanchions Freunde
Jake & Kate Persy
- Englisch
Our names are Jake and Kate Persy and we’re young, self-publishing writers. We’re a happy couple and our motto is ‘The best moment to be happy is right now’. We have a healthy, active lifestyle.We love having fun and that’s why we’ve written Codename: Chimera. It’s been an exciting experience. We wanted to write... mehr lesen
Marie-Luise Lomberg
- Deutsch
- 14 Bücher
- 5924
• Leide an Klugscheißerallergie ! • Kommentarlose Freundschaftsanfragen ignoriere ich ! • Bin normalerweise ein umgänglicher Mensch, es sei denn jemand vergisst seine gute Kinderstube ;)
- Englisch
- 9 Bücher
- 114
Married to an amazing man who is encouraging me to try and get back into my writing after all these years.
- Englisch
Hi I'm J A Brown. Some of you may know me from Wattpad. For those who dont know me, i'm 22 years old and i have been writing stories since i was 13. The genre's i tend to write are Vampire and werewolf, but i also write genral fictional adventure stories. Recently I was the victim of plagarisum on Wattpad and... mehr lesen
- Englisch
The world gives you so much pain and here we are making GOLD out of it There's nothing purer than that -Rupi Kaur
- 34 Jahre
- Englisch
- 3 Bücher
- 8
I’m not a writer, at all. Writers! though, they dive into the depth of seven seas of thought and grab out the pearls of life, heavens and earths. These are the only truths of life surrounding me, and vent out of my brain when ever they caught under my writings. An extremely ordinary person, in pursue of being at... mehr lesen