Creatives Freunde



  • Englisch
  • 13 Bücher
  • 158

I am a writer. I get writers block often more than I'd like to admit, but I'll try to finish my books.



  • Deutsch
  • 34 Bücher
  • 510


  • 23 Jahre
  • Deutsch
  • 59


  • 26 Jahre
  • Englisch

As many people (And groups) May know by now I'm a very active reader. I'll read any book from ten pages to one-hundred :) I find no difficulty in reading books that are out of my reach such as higher classed or more advance writing skills. I'm young yes, but I do enjoy reading books that may be out of my league... mehr lesen

Jake & Kate Persy

Jake & Kate Persy

  • Englisch

Our names are Jake and Kate Persy and we’re young, self-publishing writers. We’re a happy couple and our motto is ‘The best moment to be happy is right now’. We have a healthy, active lifestyle.We love having fun and that’s why we’ve written Codename: Chimera. It’s been an exciting experience. We wanted to write... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 635

"I'm mature in many ways, but I have my moments of immaturity; I'm only human." Quote by your's truly ;)

My name is Lucero. Writing is my escape. I'm a down to earth chick, who enjoy's having a good time, and creating memories. I love meeting new people, so you should add me & get to know me :)

Jay Babee

Jay Babee

  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher
  • 329

I like the rain. I like cold coffee. And I like making boys cry.



  • Deutsch
  • 2 Bücher
  • 32

Hallo, es freut mich, dass Du Dich auf meine Seite verirrt hast. (: Ich bezeichne mich gern als Möchtegern-Autor von Fantasy Geschichten, doch leider habe ich viel zu oft Probleme damit, diese fortzusetzen. Lesen ist da deutlich angenehmer. (: Mein Lieblingsgenre ist Fantasy und da gerne mal in 1000 Seiten... mehr lesen




  • Englisch
  • 8 Bücher
  • 195

The Author's Eyes May Be Blind  !!IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ!! If you wish for your book or set of poems to be reviewed, please post your requests on my pinboard.   Please note : For books, I will read the first chapter alone, unless I am compelled to read more or if I have the time. For poems, I will read the first... mehr lesen

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