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Hello my lovely, amazing, faithful, and patient fans. I would like to apologize for not being on in a long while and not uploading for a whole 2 years.-- I have been having some difficulty with time but I think I should be better with that now. Summer is almost over and I am looking for a new job but hopefully, it will be at our town bookstore where I may be able to have more downtime than working at McDonald's.
With that, I... mehr anzeigen

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hey ") do yhu think your going to keep writing Her Bethored Prince ??
can you keep me updated please and thanx ") Love your bookes by the way ")

1 Kommentar

Hey, I know that this is a bit late, 2 years, actually, but I would like to inform you and other fans that I will have spin offs of HBP. One story in mind has to do with Landon and Kim's other children. I am now on Wattpad, which is a free site & app, if you have not heard of... mehr anzeigen

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Just so you know I have re-updated HBP! If you love my series please re-read it... a lot has changed. also subscribe to me on YouTube! You will be able to read my videos from there. I will post them when I have free time but school is taking alot out of me. My YouTube account name is SymphonyRay6. Love you all, Have a blessed day!
P.S. They will be posted both on here and on YouTube on Friday febuary 18th... after 2:30!!! That... mehr anzeigen

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