Meysam hamifar
Meysam hamifar
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Meysam hamifar

I am #teaching since i was 18. alongside being #student in nursing faculty of medical sciences. i was always investigating the weaknesses and power pints of #educational_system in my country and other countries. so i invented a method named TBPLP in teaching and a book is upcoming! im so excited and willing to hear from you guys asap about my books and ideas. love you all.
a simple boy from middle east.
P.N. Any helps and... mehr anzeigen

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Meysam hamifar

Hey guys my first book out of 3 finally published...dont bother yourself with the price because i was not family with usd currency i will reduce the price asap... Im so excited rn and hope you guys honour me and comment on my books...
Love you all
A simple boy from middle East

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how much then

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