timandra12s Favoriten

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Grandfather’s box
Speculative Fiction Authors Grandfather’s box

A Line Story

  • Fantasy
  • Englisch
  • 1324 Wörter
  • Ab 8 Jahren
  • 381
  • 3

Curiosity killed the cat, but what happens when a man is ruled by his dreams and finds himself driven by his curiosity.

Alex was told never to open his Grandfather's wooden box, but after he finds a mysterious book he begins to have a series of vivid dreams that involves... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: fantasy, fiction, fairy tale, adventure, suspense, speculative fiction


Masked Love
Victoria Benson Masked Love
  • Liebe
  • Englisch
  • 4706 Wörter
  • Ab 0 Jahren
  • 11264
  • 615

Every continent has adapted to the 21st century except Europe whose has held onto her old values and ways, including the tradition of the Masked Love.

The time has come for the requiring of one hundred girls from all over the world for the annual Masked Love, where Prince... mehr lesen

Stichwörter: romance, europe, mask, love, ball


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