Diamond Black
Diamond Black
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Hallo liebste,

Do You Speak English? Es ist mir eine Freude, Sie kennenzulernen. Mein Name ist Generalleutnant Kenneth. Ich bin ein US-Militäroffizier. Ich werde Sie gerne kennenlernen. Ich bin romantisch und es macht Spaß, mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich habe Ihr Profil gelesen und möchte Ihnen wirklich mein Interesse zeigen. Ich suche echte und bedeutungsvolle intime Beziehungen mit Liebe, Leidenschaft und Romantik. Ich freue... mehr anzeigen

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Diamond Black

Am so excited. Logged on here and found out that people downloaded Char Resurrected 12 times. I'm happy that you guys are enjoying it. I am so sorry you can't read the other two books but I assure you it is not the end. If you go to wattpad.com and sign up for completely free you can read my books and other great books for free. I know people say 'yeah whatever' but it's true. I found my heaven on there. Please check it out... mehr anzeigen

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Diamond Black

Ooh,. Kinda unsure. Never really written a book before. My bad let me rephrase that. Ive never written a book with someone else before.

Diamond Black

By the way, I'm really surprised you picked me out. I know I'm not a horrible writer but I'm not too good a writer either. What was the reason? :)

Gelöschter User

You came back after one month. It's all right of you don't want to write a book with me, I don't remember why I picked you, sorry >=<

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Diamond Black

Hey guys completed this book called Char Resurrected. If you want to read it visit my profile. And if you are interested in the series then visit wattpad.com and read them there for free. To sign up is also free. My username there is moonwolfshadow1777.

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Diamond Black

Hello everyone. Made a website. This will be mostly for teens though. It's called: moonwolfshadow1777.wixsite.com/blooddriven.
Read at your own risk. If you don't like it then say so. If you do then your welcome. I'm just starting out so don't judge me too harshly. I'm only 15 so yeah. Did this website in three hours so I hope it's good. Will continue updating it and such. Also did it without any instructions so yeah.
May the eagle fly with you.

https://moonwolfshadow1777.wixsite.com/blooddriven. https://moonwolfshadow1777.wixsite.com/blooddriven.
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Diamond Black

Hey guys. I love Wattpad and Bookrix so you'll see me on here a lot. I've got a book that's coming so check it out. It's Char Resurrected. It will take a little bit until I got the whole book completed so wait by.

May the eagle fly with you.

3 Kommentare

Best of luck getting it done. :)

Diamond Black

Thanks. The book is on Wattpad if you want to read it.

Diamond Black

I have it completed so. I just need to transfer it over to here so that others can read it here.

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