raxfishers Freunde
- 22 Jahre
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 8
MY FULL name is Natalie Loren Grace Freshman in high school and this is my story! I love the moments where I feel like a little girl again......... innocent.... believes in the beauty of life.... who runs through fields of wildflower again in again........... the little girl who is trusting n loving...carefree... mehr lesen
- Englisch
Damn, just came back on her after many months and i was lame as hell, my bio was really stupid, i apologize to you all But im just here to read and not be bored in class when we're supposed to be working, so reccomend good books please?
- 24 Jahre
- Englisch
- 4 Bücher
- 7
I'm a Celtic Pagan, I am a bitch. If you mess with my friends and family, I am pansexual and married. I look out for my pack and they look out for me. If you want to know anything else, just ask. I love making friends and hanging out.
- Englisch
- 5 Bücher
- 211
I am a cosplayer! A writer! An Aunt! A Lover! A creator of worlds! But most of all I am a Dreamer!I've been traveling the world for the last two years. Creating stories is one of my specialties. Who says that our worlds are just stuck in our heads? The moment we created them we have breathed life into them. They... mehr lesen
- 80 Jahre
- Englisch
I am a Natural Witch / Druid reincarnated, a founding member of Craeftgemot Witancoveyne (A Druid Church and School in America) and practice what we call Techno-Druidism which makes me a Techno Druid. TD's use both Modern Science and the Ancient Occult Sciences in Alchemical and Psychic forms Magick and... mehr lesen
- Englisch
I don't care if anyone does not like me.i was not born in this world to entertain MY NAME IS RAHEEL MY FACEBOOK ID is raheel11111@yahoo.com I Love myself the world has a need to me i m unique i can and i will do things to promote headling in my life my problem has a sloution i will work on a plan i belive i... mehr lesen