hossanas Freunde
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 238
Hey guys! (: I honestly don't know what to write. I never usually do. All I can say about myself is that I love to read and write. I absolutey love music, I like any kind of music as long as it makes sense. I recently found out how much I love to work with Youth. And I'm planning to keep working on that. I will... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 9 Bücher
- 271
Height: 5'7 Eye Color: Black
I'm from the PHILIPPINES!!! Woo-hoo!!! I'm proud to be a Filipino! Message me if you are, too!
Mother's side. - I have 10 cousins: Four girl-including moi- and the rest are boys. We love each other! xoxoxo. Father's side. -I have 13 cousins: Five... mehr lesen
- Englisch
Mmakgolo Doctor Machacha is a dreaming boy..."he likes reading and searching new information everyday".He likes to discover some of the amazing stories that happens to all of us.
- 24 Jahre
- Englisch
Hey guys! Well I am McKenna and I am obsessed with a few things like bands MUSIC movies And More... I can't live without: MUSIC MOVIESBANDS Bands I like: Motionless In White Black Veil Brides Pierce The Veil Sleeping With Sirens Beartooth SayWeCanFly PVRIS And More Follow me on all social media... mehr lesen
- Deutsch
- 2 Bücher
- 27
Hey ihr Lieben,sorry, das ich nicht viel über mich sage, nur das wichtigste.Ich liebe, liebe, liebe LIEBE... gute und spannende Bücher, nur leider lese ich so schnell, das ich gar nicht genug Lesestoff haben kann.Ich freue mich immer über Werbung zu euren Büchern und werde versuchen so viele wie möglich davon zu... mehr lesen
- 34 Jahre
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
Hi, My Name is Antwanette Howard. I have been writing since I was seven years old and I hope to be a success one day. I want to make writing my career. I take it very seriously than others.