samoumies Freunde
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- Deutsch
- 7 Bücher
- 166
Ich bin nett und hilfsbereit.. Nen wenig schusselig aber auch ne gute Freundin und lustig, kann gut zuhören und behalte Geheimnisse für mich
- Deutsch
- 3 Bücher
- 17
Hab viel Spaß auf meiner Seite und wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr meine bücher lesen.
Übrigens das Bild im Hintergrund und mein Profilbild das sin bilder von der Serie Bleach die beste serie überhaupt schaut sie an ist echt geil
- Englisch
- 17 Bücher
- 256
ENGLISH Customer Support for Please email all inquiries to
Sadie m1554623r
- Englisch
I am a normal human, but treated differently because I was diagnosed with ADD, or attention deficit disorder. I am told, at times, that I will never be able to focus on anything ever. I’m shown, rather than told at times, that it’s impossible for me to be a writer. That's all I've known since I was dared to start... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 8
as you can tell by my username, i'm pretty random once i get to know people. i really like to read books, not so much writing them though): i love to laugh, talk, listen to music, text, go to school(pretty much only to talk to my friends though), and a bunch of other stuff.
- Englisch
- 8 Bücher
- 344
I've loved to read since i was young, and after that ive kept at it. When i entered high school, i found another love: theatre. i love to be on stage and pretend to be a different character, with a whole new personality. Right now i don't know whether to follow acting or become an author, so im going to keep doing... mehr lesen
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