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Du magst Fantasie? Liebesgeschichten mit Verzweiflung, Angst und Leidenschaft? Dann guck doch einfach einmal in eines meiner Bücher rein :) Magst du es nicht? dann ignoriere den Post einfach :)
Mein weitestes Buch ist:
Der klappentext:
Erst musste ich zu meiner Mum ziehen, die mich eigentlich hasste. Und dann zogen wir auch noch zu ihrem Lover! Es... mehr anzeigen

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fine, fine i'll call it a 'pinboard' but in my opinion boardy thing sounds waaaayyy better :D

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SAMMYYY!!!! haven't heard from you in a while, guess you're busy with school and stff :D... or maybe D: depending if you like your classes or not. :) anyway thanks for the hearts... p.s. if you wanna reach me don't message me, i accepted a few friend invites from ramdom people, and they send updates on their books like every 5 seconds, so if you wanna talk just leave a message on my board thingy :D

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Sorry that I can't more chapters, but I'm really busy right now, I barely have time to be home! So yeah, but I promise to post a new chapter, maybe even two, this weekend

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Ok, I know I keep writing new book after new book, but it's because I've got a lot of ideas in my brain. So I made another new book. I really like it and I hope you do too! It's called 'Change'

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YAY your writting more (hopefully you won't do wat you usually do with characters in your know what i mean...hopefully)

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I have posted up a new story called, "Megan Hilt's Story." It's kind of dare at your own risk.

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Heyy, I'm writing a new book called, 'The Dimension Princess,' I hope ya'll will like it. Oh, and I will continue the 'Kylie Caurson Series'! So just stay tuned.

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