rachybabes’ Gruppen

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Get Me Published

Get Me Published

  • 1.036 Mitglieder
  • 439 Beiträge
  • Offene Gruppe

Come on in and meet others like yourself who want to “get published."

In this group, feel free to ask questions and start discussions about using BookRix, promoting and marketing your work, publishing your book(s) and much more!

Letzter Beitrag: 9. Oktober 2019, 05:54

Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness

  • 908 Mitglieder
  • 407 Beiträge
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Horror writing covers a lot of ground, and all are welcome. Whether you incorporate the supernatural into your fiction, or rely on earthly atrocities, come on in and share your work and thoughts on the genre.

Letzter Beitrag: 9. Oktober 2019, 00:15

Love Novels

Love Novels

  • 722 Mitglieder
  • 240 Beiträge
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All lovers of writing or reading romance are welcome here!

Letzter Beitrag: 20. Mai 2022, 11:22

hush hush fans

hush hush fans

  • 242 Mitglieder
  • 23 Beiträge
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whos tired of vampires and werewolves??? i know i am. lets talk about a fallen angel named patch and a girl named nora. lets talk about the love they share. hey lets talk about how delicious peanut butter is.

Letzter Beitrag: 12. Dezember 2016, 21:35

teens who want a good book!

teens who want a good book!

  • 61 Mitglieder
  • 18 Beiträge
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I have been searching for a really good book, but everytime I look one up, people say it cusses, has the devil in it, etc... So this is where teenagers can come and ask questions about books, suggest a book, and just whatever!

Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 15:55

night children

night children

  • 136 Mitglieder
  • 25 Beiträge
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for those with a mind nobody understands. those who stand out and away from the crowd. those who belive in the unbeliveable. those who beleive in the night.

Letzter Beitrag: 31. Juli 2014, 21:29

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