Colin Guest
Colin Guest
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Colin Guest

Happy New Year to you all. I am presently busy revising my ebook An Expat's Experiences of Living in Turkey, which my editor has recently edited. For those thinking of living in Turkey, I feel it will find of interest as it gives details of various things to be aware of, as well as numerous places to visit, and the many activities available in Turkey.
In between, I am working on a novel that I am writing, which is a big... mehr anzeigen

Colin Guest A.K.A Tigerman Welcome to the home of  Colin Guest, A.K.A Tigerman. I chose this name as like tigers I love to roam far and wide. This site is dedicated to my writing about exploits gained from over nineteen years of working in fifteen countries spread through the Middle, Far East and North Africa. Since retiring I have…
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Colin Guest

I was delighted to receive a great review from my latest book entitled Holiday Terror, based on the recent coup attempt here in Turkey. It is always gratifying to receive reviews, especially the good ones. To all those struggling with their writing, don't give up.

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Colin Guest

Hi there,

My name is Colin Guest and Englishman living in Turkey. I have had two ebooks published and one print book, as well as a number of articles published in online magazines. I am presently writing my first novel, and about 2/3rds through it.

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