Mario Vitale
Mario Vitale
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Mario Vitale

long ago let the truth be told a summon to bargain baseball please...
triumphant please, down to my knees corporate sneak
shattered between what once known onto a perfect home,
Stained glass window through a verse Scottish dull ointment...
Temper left hotter then it is in Grenada
Irish socks twist to lock

a variation in a dream wheree people do scream
love is the essence of my inner existence

solving clouds
Form, fronting on the sun,... mehr anzeigen

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Mario Vitale

Write a new postJesus Is The Answer

when your down to the lowest pit
Nobody around and they don't give a shit
all of life seems fragile being tossed as salad
when you run into a brick wall

Still there is hope never falter
Jesus Christ died almost 2, 000 years ago
on a cross for all the world to see
what was his prayer what was his final plea

Father forgive them for they no not what they do
he said the prayer now the rest is up... mehr anzeigen

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Mario Vitale

Write a new post.Legacy

as a child I had dreams with visions in my mind
I sought peace from nature & grasp meaning of words
asking a lot of questions along life's journey
my grandma always said, "Why be in a hurry".
I drew pictures in the sky of kings and queens
far off places with dungeons and dragons.
always reading book with story's of adventure
in time I would venture to my swing & sing
although many years have passed... mehr anzeigen

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Mario Vitale

Write a new post...hello everyone Summer may soon be over but the true warmth I feel in my heart for poetry has just begun I hope you will take a look at my newest poetic book thank you kindly Mario William Vitale

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Mario Vitale

Hi fellow artist it's good to here from you all have a wonderful day thank you kindly.

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