pixiedaisys Freunde

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I love to read,then I thought why not write something too?And that was it. And one more fact about me:  I'm a Pakistani, and if you think I'm somehow less important than you because of that, then I dont care. Differences of colour or race dont matter as long as you have two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears , a... mehr lesen



  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 7 Bücher
  • 90

Nemophilist. Pluviophile. Melomaniac. Ambivert.      ~The tiny one, with not so tiny dreams! ♥   "And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had ..."



  • Englisch

I love reading books. I am a big bookbug. Don't hesitate to message me.



  • Englisch

                  """ FUCK FAke!""    hi people i'm 18  years old from INDIA! :D        i hurt no one trust no one!        خدا آپ کا بھلا کرے! ماشاء اللہ

Duron Crejaro

Duron Crejaro

  • Englisch
  • 5 Bücher
  • 147

An Aspiring writer. I've been hooked on Fantasy for decades, and now its time to add my own contributions to a wonderful genre.

laura patricia kearney

laura patricia kearney

  • Englisch
  • 16 Bücher
  • 66

My YouTube channel is   Targeted in ireland YouTube   My website is    https://www.targetedindividualawareness.com/      



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