pinky.franklins Freunde
- Deutsch
- 1 Buch
- 53
Kimberly, du bist und bleibst mir wichtig, auch wenn wir kaum noch Kontakt haben.
Joycey? Ich danke dir so sehr, dass ich dich kennen gelernt habe. Ohne dich könnt ich überhaupt kein Deutsch mehr :DD Und es wäre überaus langweilg ohne dich. Ich bin so froh, dass du meine beste Freundin bist. ♥ Ich liebe... mehr lesen
Jessica Kelley
Jessica Kelley
- Englisch
- 12 Bücher
- 224
I wrote a lot 5 years ago, but sort of stopped because of school. I've basically had a 5 year long case of writer's block. But I just updated one of my books! I miss writing so much, so I'm really gonna try to keep going. I also draw and do watercolor paintings on commission, so if you want anything you can... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 8
I think of myself as a neutral party. I seem to always find myself stuck in the middle. I'm the quiet music lover that can find inspiration in any song, and that is how I write. I like to take the smallest detail and make it seem like the greatest.
Liza Mynx
- 28 Jahre
- Englisch
- 7 Bücher
- 28
Hey, I'm Liza. I love to read, write, play piano, sing, dance, and help people. I live in Georgia now, but am from Maryland.
- 25 Jahre
- 13 Bücher
- 489
i love to read,write, and do anything athletic.i am very sensative and takes stuff people say to heart.i am niave and trust and love too easily.
- 106 Jahre
- Englisch
- 29 Bücher
- 809
But enough about me, let's talk about the weather... and me.