judge me if you wants Freunde





  • Englisch
  • 8 Bücher
  • 195

The Author's Eyes May Be Blind  !!IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ!! If you wish for your book or set of poems to be reviewed, please post your requests on my pinboard.   Please note : For books, I will read the first chapter alone, unless I am compelled to read more or if I have the time. For poems, I will read the first... mehr lesen




  • Englisch

I have 2 daughters an 11 year old alex and a 5 year old, avaline I like listening 2 country pop music and Z105 a night and morning, I like reading books and i dont plan on writing any on here just read other peoples but I will make sure to tell if i do!!!:]



  • Englisch

There's not much that should really be said..... I'm a Christian, and I read books only if I find it really interesting.... I'm not good at writing books, but i'll get some help from my sister... :D




  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 1

love the color blue i am random,crazy, creative,funny,and most of all aaliyah (me)i hate :when people walk slow in front of me.i love pink, maroon 5, Alicia keys , Bruno mars,the script,Ed sheeran I love anime and manga



tehya (tay-uh)

  • Englisch
  • 553

My life keeps changing so I'm just going to stop changing this thing :P -90% of teenage girls would faint if they saw justin bieber on the top of a 9 story building. If you are one of the ten percent that would be behind her, ready to push, then paste this into your profile. ( i got this off of tori12598... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Hey whats up people.If you don't have anything nice to say on my pin board don't say nothing AT ALL!!!Be rude and mean to me i'll do the same.I'll stay out of your junk you will stay out of mine.That's all i have to say.Bye;) ╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this on your site ║╚╣║║╚╗If you like to laugh!... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

I dont play around when it comes to my friends! Hey peple just lettng you know now never ever trust mimilovesbieiber shes a backstaber mother fer..... she deserved to get her arse whooped when she was in the 3rd grade it was fun too lol stupid mexicans lol. ya i said it call me racist idc she is the total diva b... mehr lesen


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