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Gilbert is in Arizona but Mesa is a different city. Gilbert is actually next to Mesa. Mesa's huge. Anyway I really liked what you have so far. It's interesting. It all seems childish to me though, but I know even so called adults play games like this.

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Sorry...I haven't been on here for a while lol. And I know but my friend who lives in Gilbert always acts as if they're connected or something. I was supposed to move there and go to Higley but I ended up not :(

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oh yeah, I lived in Arizona for ten years so I know where all the cities are you are talking about.

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I like how in the casey cole project you have your characters pictures posted. It's a neat idea. It's really well written and exciting so far.

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Gelöschter User

OMG you llok like the nicest person ever!!!!!!!! :) and I love the guys eyes on you BACKGROUND OMG!!!!!!!!!! im a sucker for blue eyes!!!!!!!

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Wait!!!! wich one?!?!?!?!?! O.O


im always confused! ^-^

Gelöschter User

I'm confused '.'

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EVERYONE! I would just like to tell you that at this moment, I am copying one of the stories that I actually enjoy writing from my account on a different site and posting it on here. I've realized that the other site mostly posts stupid crap like One Direction fanfics. So as of NOW, my new book "The Cole Casey Project" will be available for 14 & up readers!

3 Kommentare

its not up yet...


it's up now..along with pictures!!


oooh, pictures...you have intrigued me lol

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Hello I like your background and i wanted to know who is that guy

1 Kommentar

It's Sean O'Donnell..he's a model and he's super hot lol

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