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RM Publications

In the next day or so, I will be listing another book title "Wait Till tomorrow" - this and "The Yonge Street Strip" already listed for sale! BookRix... also supplies “eBooks” to the following shops: Amazon; Apple iBookstore; Baker & Taylor; Barnes & Noble; Google play; Kobo; Sony Reader Store... and many others featuring e-books...
In the next day or so... among other books I also intend to list... I will be submitting... mehr anzeigen

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RM Publications

My story titled ‘The Yonge Street Strip’ and have recently published as an ‘ebook’ with BookRix had been first composed about 35 years ago while employed with a downtown Desk-Top Publisher. Albeit I have several times since re-edited the story to make it more fluent, I had long ago simply put it aside to pursue other interests! However, with some ‘excellent assistance’ from the ‘BookRix Team’ on how to arrange my story to... mehr anzeigen

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