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So, I changed the idea of a book. This one I have been working on for a while, so bear with me on the details. It is called "The Unwanted Daughter", so please read and enjoy.

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Thanks for accepting my friend request

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You are very welcome.

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This is my friend! You hurt her (whether physically, verbally, emotionally, mentally, all, or in anyway) you will deal with my wrath. and it is not so easy to escape me. don't hurt her and you will have no problems. i look out for my pack and we protect each other. you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. and we are bigger than you could ever imagine.
Love ya Rosario. BFF's Forever

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AAAAAAAAWWWWWWW! Thank you so much! This just gave me the boost that I needed for today! :D


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