Deu' Angel
Deu' Angel
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My name miss Lucy , i am looking for good relationship with you .i will be very glad to know you better, please dont reply to me on this site here , send me a reply massage directly on my email address (

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Deu' Angel

Fact Of Life:
More Often We Fall In Love
With A Person We Can Never
Live With.. And Sometimes The
One U Truely Love.. Remains
Either A Frnd Or A Stranger..!

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Deu' Angel

"Positivity" sells better than truth.

Most people would rather believe falsehoods that make them feel good and nice than real truths that make them uncomfortable.

There's a reason why success rates are low.

if you refuse to see reality, you cannot excel in it.

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Deu' Angel

Don’t say: I will be successful.
Say: I am successful.
No matter how you feel, no matter where you are in your life cycle, no matter what you have or don’t, repeat all day: I am successful.

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Deu' Angel

“Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino

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Deu' Angel

You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.

Annie Proulx

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Deu' Angel

I want to know you more,
I thought...I had clue of you,
And It broke me all over again,
My heart ripped,
Tears raced down my cold cheek,
You kept the demons of my life at bay...
How could I've missed this?
To know, to feel, so much love impeccably unconditional,
How could I've missed such glorious beauty?
Your love only made me stronger and brighter,
There's no greater love worth dying for,
Oh Jesus its only you-its only you,
My Father,... mehr anzeigen

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Deu' Angel

If you are reading this post, please don't spam me regularly. "I will delete you."

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