Nashipais Freunde

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alice haze

alice haze

  • Englisch
  • 1 Buch
  • 23

I love writing and reading. So if you guys want me to read your books, feel free to ask me. And if you have any ideas of what should I write, do please tell me as I'm suck at imagination but still love writing anyway.   Teehee... ^__^  

Nisha Thakur

Nisha Thakur

  • 41 Jahre
  • Englisch

First You Plz is Nisha's debut novella. Nisha lives in Navi Mumbai with her family. After completing her post graduation in Communication Management she worked as a copywriter with a reputed ad agency in Mumbai. She now works as a freelance copywriter cum screenwriter. When she is not writing, she composes poetry.... mehr lesen

  • Englisch
  • 17 Bücher
  • 256

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